Le secret du roi Tome 1 : Bons baisers de prusse
Mikko, Benjamin Jurdic
- Lombard
- 29 Novembre 2024
- 9782808216111
Son nom est Suzanne… Juste Suzanne. Hier encore, elle dirigeait la plus fine équipe de cambrioleurs de Paris, mais un léger accrochage avec les forces de l’ordre l’a convaincue d’entrer au service secret de Sa Majesté. Pour son baptême du feu, elle va devoir exercer ses talents dans un château prussien, entourée de ses nouveaux équipiers : Maximilien l'agent tout-terrain, Georges le lutteur hors-pair et Donatien le virtuose de l'infiltration. Pour une première mission, l'objectif est de taille : il s'agit en effet de s'emparer d'un document qui pourrait permettre à la France de reprendre l'avantage dans la terrible guerre qui secoue alors l'Europe. Mais le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que le plan ne va pas se dérouler sans accroc...
Abel is a cosplayer. His parents don't get it. His brother's a big, dumb jock. Still, the geek heaven of Comic-Kon is just around the corner, and this year, Abel plans to win the cosplay contest as his hero, Batman. But the convention has other surprises in store. When an intelligence team invades the floor in hot pursuit of a rogue agent, Abel and his friends have a chance to be the heroes they only dress up as. A series of chases and double-crosses ensues that will teach these eager kids what being a true hero really means.
La jolie et timide collégienne Mirei provoque toujours des catastrophes lorsquelle sort de chez elle. En effet, sa beauté fait que les hommes limportunent sans cesse, dautant plus quelle est trop faible pour se défendre. Cependant, sa rencontre avec Tomo, un garçon dun autre collège expert en judo, lui donne envie de changer cette situation. Tomo lui propose alors de lui enseigner quelques techniques de défense.
En raison de sa grande beauté et de sa grande timidité, la collégienne Mirei n'a pas le droit de sortir de chez elle après les cours. Ses amies, sa famille et le chemin de l'école, voilà à quoi se limite son quotidien. Un jour, elle rompt la promesse faite à sa mère et décide de prendre le train toute seule. Un homme commence à l'importuner mais elle est vite sauvée par un garçon si petit qu'il ne lui fait pas peur, un certain Tomo.
Reimagine the future of the internet All our devices and gadgets-from our refrigerators to our home security systems, vacuum cleaners, and stereos-are going online, just like our computers did. But once we've successfully connected our devices to the internet, do we have any hope of keeping them, and ourselves, safe from the dangers that lurk beneath the digital waters? In If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable, veteran cybersecurity professional Mikko Hypponen delivers an eye-opening exploration of the best-and worst-things the internet has given us. From instant connectivity between any two points on the globe to organized ransomware gangs, the net truly has been a mixed blessing. In this book, the author explores the transformative potential of the future of the internet, as well as those things that threaten its continued existence: government surveillance, censorship, organized crime, and more. Readers will also find: Insightful discussions of how law enforcement and intelligence agencies operate on the internet Fulsome treatments of how money became data and the impact of the widespread use of mobile supercomputing technology Explorations of how the internet has changed the world, for better and for worse Engaging stories from Mikko's 30-year career in infosecPerfect for anyone seeking a thought-provoking presentation of some of the most pressing issues in cybersecurity and technology, If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone interested in the future of the internet.
Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure
Risto J. Rintala, Mikko Pakarinen, Tomas Wester
- Springer
- 24 Octobre 2016
- 9783319425511
This book provides readers with a succinct but comprehensive overview of current concepts relating to intestinal failure, including its treatment, with a particular focus on recent advancements. The opening chapters address basic aspects of intestinal failure, including etiology, clinical pathophysiology, physiology of intestinal adaptation, and intestinal microbiota. The complications of intestinal failure, such as bacterial overgrowth and intestinal failure-associated liver disease, are then discussed. A series of chapters specifically address important strategies in the nutritional, pharmacological, and surgical treatment of intestinal failure as well as the concept of intestinal rehabilitation. Finally, two significant emerging developments are considered: regenerative medicine and distraction enterogenesis. The authors are internationally recognized experts from Europe and North America who are ideally placed to describe current knowledge and progress in the field.
Mikko Saily, Guillaume SÉ, Bire, Eddie Riddington
- Wiley
- 24 Septembre 2010
- 9780470669617
With over four billion subscribers Worldwide, GSM/EDGE is by far the World's most successful communications technology of all time. Ubiquitous, deployed in every country of the World, except in Japan and South Korea, GSM/EDGE is the result of a continued evolution that has spanned over two decades. A leading team of experts from Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks and Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia, guide you from the history of GSM standardization to the cutting-edge techniques in the latest 3GPP releases. Covering 3GPP Release 7 and Release 8, and addressing their motivation and detailing their concepts, this book also offers insights into further steps in evolution from Release 9 and beyond. GSM/EDGE: Evolution and Performance allows you to keep apace with all of the new developments that have occurred in 3GPP on the GSM standard since the introduction of EDGE: Covers all the key aspects of GSM/EDGE Evolution from Release 7 until Release 9 in a systematic manner. Features performance evaluations derived from leading-edge simulation tools and field trials. Addresses network optimization techniques and environmental aspects. Written by leading experts in the field of GSM/EDGE evolution and standardisation. Contributors from Nokia, NSN, Helsinki University of Technology and Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia.
With over four billion subscribers Worldwide, GSM/EDGE is by far the World's most successful communications technology of all time. Ubiquitous, deployed in every country of the World, except in Japan and South Korea, GSM/EDGE is the result of a continued evolution that has spanned over two decades. A leading team of experts from Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks and Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia, guide you from the history of GSM standardization to the cutting-edge techniques in the latest 3GPP releases. Covering 3GPP Release 7 and Release 8, and addressing their motivation and detailing their concepts, this book also offers insights into further steps in evolution from Release 9 and beyond. GSM/EDGE: Evolution and Performance allows you to keep apace with all of the new developments that have occurred in 3GPP on the GSM standard since the introduction of EDGE: Covers all the key aspects of GSM/EDGE Evolution from Release 7 until Release 9 in a systematic manner. Features performance evaluations derived from leading-edge simulation tools and field trials. Addresses network optimization techniques and environmental aspects. Written by leading experts in the field of GSM/EDGE evolution and standardisation. Contributors from Nokia, NSN, Helsinki University of Technology and Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia.
Active Perception in the History of Philosophy
Jose Filipe Silva, Mikko Yrjonsuuri
- Springer
- 18 Mars 2014
- 9783319043616
The aim of the present work is to show the roots of the conception of perception as an active process, tracing the history of its development from Plato to modern philosophy. The contributors inquire into what activity is taken to mean in different theories, challenging traditional historical accounts of perception that stress the passivity of percipients in coming to know the external world. Special attention is paid to the psychological and physiological mechanisms of perception, rational and non-rational perception and the role of awareness in the perceptual process.Perception has often been conceived as a process in which the passive aspects - such as the reception of sensory stimuli - were stressed and the active ones overlooked. However, during recent decades research in cognitive science and philosophy of mind has emphasized the activity of the subject in the process of sense perception, often associating this activity to the notions of attention and intentionality. Although it is recognized that there are ancient roots to the view that perception is fundamentally active, the history remains largely unexplored.The book is directed to all those interested in contemporary debates in the fields of philosophy of mind and cognitive psychology who would like to become acquainted with the historical background of active perception, but for historical reliability the aim is to make no compromises.
Transmission Grid Security
Liisa Haarla, Mikko Koskinen, Ritva Hirvonen, Pierre-Etienne Labeau
- Springer
- 20 Janvier 2011
- 9780857291455
In response to the growing importance of power system security and reliability, Transmission Grid Security proposes a systematic and probabilistic approach for transmission grid security analysis. The analysis presented uses probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and takes into account the power system dynamics after severe faults. In the method shown in this book the power system states (stable, not stable, system breakdown, etc.) are connected with the substation reliability model. In this way it is possible to:
estimate the system-wide consequences of grid faults;
identify a chain of events that might lead to blackout; and
rank the importance of different substation components at the system level.
Transmission Grid Security also presents the main features and basic mathematics of PSA. It provides the reader with up-to-date knowledge of the regulatory issues affecting the security of transmission grids in Europe.
Transmission Grid Security gives a practical method for the security analysis of transmission grids, making it a valuable text for engineers and system operators, as well as postgraduate students. It includes basic information and detailed modules for creating a reliability model that takes into account all the basic operations and components needed after grid faults. -
Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research
Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles Lopez-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr
- Springer
- 17 Avril 2023
- 9783031253362
This book presents a collection of meta-studies, reviews, and scientometric analyses that together reveal a fresh picture about the past, present, and future of computing education research (CER) as a field of science. The book begins with three chapters that discuss and summarise meta-research about the foundations of CER, its disciplinary identity, and use of research methodologies and theories. Based on this, the book proceeds with several scientometric analyses, which explore authors and their collaboration networks, dissemination practices, international collaboration, and shifts in research focus over the years. Analyses of dissemination are deepened in two chapters that focus on some of the most influential publication venues of CER. The book also contains a series of country-, or region-level analyses, including chapters that focus on the evolution of CER in the Baltic Region, Finland, Australasia, Israel, and in the UK & Ireland. Two chapters present case studies of influential CER initiatives in Sweden and Namibia. This book also includes chapters that focus on CER conducted at school level, and cover crucially important issues such as technology ethics, algorithmic bias, and their implications for CER.In all, this book contributes to building an understanding of the past, present and future of CER. This book also contributes new practical guidelines, highlights topical areas of research, shows who to connect with, where to publish, and gives ideas of innovative research niches. The book takes a unique methodological approach by presenting a combination of meta-studies, scientometric analyses of publication metadata, and large-scale studies about the evolution of CER in different geographical regions. This book is intended for educational practitioners, researchers, students, and anyone interested in CER. This book was written in collaboration with some of the leading experts of the field.
Dimensions of Sociolinguistic Landscapes in Europe
Anastassia Zabrodskaja, Mikko Laitinen
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 2 Mars 2015
- 9783653999341
The articles in this volume investigate everyday textual material of sociolinguistic landscapes in the early 21st century. Sociolinguistic landscapes reflect societal change, and they enable observers to map what linguistic resources are used in various contexts and to study how these resources interact and are interpreted. The articles present not only quantitative results of the presence of languages in signs but also look into how authors and designers make use of an endless pool of linguistic resources, how visible semiotic items contribute to create a sense of space, what types of mental processes are involved in the production, and how various audiences (residents, occasional passers-by, and language regulators) interpret and construct signs and sociolinguistic landscapes to form their own understanding of semiotic space.
All unsere Geräte und Gadgets - von unseren Kühlschränken bis hin zu unseren Haussicherheitssystemen, Staubsaugern und Stereoanlagen - werden über kurz oder lang online sein, genau wie unsere Computer. Aber wenn wir unsere Geräte erst einmal erfolgreich mit dem Internet verbunden haben, knnen wir dann überhaupt noch hoffen, sie und uns selbst vor den Gefahren zu schützen, die in den digitalen Gewässern lauern?
In seinem Buch liefert der erfahrene Cybersicherheitsexperte Mikko Hyppnen eine augenffnende und teilweise erschreckende Erkundung der besten - und schlimmsten - Dinge, die uns das Internet beschert hat. Von der sofortigen Konnektivität zwischen zwei beliebigen Punkten auf der Welt bis hin zu organisierten Ransomware-Banden - das Netz ist Segen und Fluch zugleich. In diesem Buch erforscht der Autor das Veränderungspotenzial und die Zukunft des Internets, aber auch die Dinge, die seine weitere Existenz bedrohen: staatliche Überwachung, Zensur, organisiertes Verbrechen und mehr.
Die Leser finden außerdem:
- aufschlussreiche Diskussionen darüber, wie Strafverfolgungsbehrden und Geheimdienste im Internet arbeiten;
- ausführliche Schilderungen darüber, wie Geld zu Daten wurde, und über die Auswirkungen der weit verbreiteten Nutzung mobiler Supercomputertechnologie;
- fesselnde Geschichten aus Mikko Hypponens 30-jähriger Karriere im Bereich der Informationssicherheit.
Das Buch ist perfekt für alle, die sich mit den drängendsten Problemen im Bereich der Cybersicherheit und Technologie auseinandersetzen wollen. Es wird sich einen Platz in den Bibliotheken all derer verdienen, die sich für die Zukunft des Internets interessieren. -
Finnish Public Administration
Jan-Erik Johanson, Elias Pekkola, Mikko Mykkanen
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 7 Septembre 2023
- 9783031348624
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of public administration in Finland. Many of the basic structures of Finnish public administration have remained intact during the country's relatively short independence of 100 years, but Finland has been able to tackle major turbulence ranging from wars and financial crises to the Covid-19 pandemic. Finland has also had to adjust to greater European integration, a new constitution, an ageing population, increased globalization of markets, and climate change. Chapters in this volume examine a wide range of themes pertinent to Finnish public administration, including government, regionalisation, health care policy, performance management, budgeting, and higher education policy. Placing these themes within the wider context of Nordic administrative developments, the book showcases public administration in Finland as pragmatism in action. It will appeal to students and scholars of public administration, public management, public policyand Nordic studies.
British Modern International Thought in the Making
Benjamin Bourcier, Mikko Jakonen
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 13 Février 2024
- 9783031457135
This book articulates international political theory in dialogue with economics on several questions. It asks: how has modern international theory been adjusted and nourished by economic ideas, theories and practices? How far has the distinctive contribution of some theorists to international theory been informed by their views on economy? What has been the impact of the theory of the state for economic and international theory? What sort of economic thinking has led to revise the debates constitutive for the modern international realm? How have economic debates been rhetorically connected to political debates in the field of international relations?
Mirei et Tomo, qui se sont rencontrés en première année de collège, sont à présent aux portes du lycée. Mirei a pu changer entre temps, mais elle a encore des choix difficiles à faire concernant son avenir, sa famille et Tomo.
Comme sa beauté et sa maladresse provoquent des catastrophes dès que Mirei sort seule de chez elle, sa mère lui ordonne dêtre soit en classe soit à la maison, et tant pis pour les loisirs. Heureusement, sa rencontre avec Tomo, un pratiquant assidu de judo dans un autre collège, permet à la jeune fille de sortir un peu de son cocon. Au fil des mois, elle trouve ainsi le courage d'affronter le monde extérieur. Hélas, sa mère finit par découvrir cette relation naissante et sa réaction est sans appel. Mirei a l'interdiction de revoir Tomo !
Belle, sexy et fatale. Didi est une nymphe." Tu n'as jamais remarqué la façon dont les gens te regardent ? " Didi, longue chevelure et visage d'ange, ne s'est jamais demandé d'où lui venait son extraordinaire beauté ; elle s'est toujours sentie comme toutes les jeunes filles de son âge. A seize ans, sa seule préoccupation est sa " première fois ". Pourtant, lorsque cet événement tant attendu se produit enfin, Didi comprend qu'elle n'est pas tout à fait comme les autres adolescentes. Son petit ami meurt entre ses bras, en pleine action. Après le choc, les révélations viennent : Didi est une nymphe, condamnée à tuer tous les hommes avec qui elle fera l'amour. Et il se pourrait bien qu'elle soit en grand danger, des satyres étant à sa poursuite...
Notes on Tug-of-War Games and the p-Laplace Equation
Mikko Parviainen
- Springer
- 22 Février 2024
- 9789819978793
This book addresses the interplay between stochastic processes and partial differential equations. More specifically, it focuses on the connection between the nonlinear p-Laplace equation and the stochastic game called tug-of-war with noise. The connection in this context was discovered approximately 15 years ago and has since provided new insights and approaches. These lecture notes provide a brief but detailed and accessible introduction to the subject and to the more research-oriented literature. The book also presents the parabolic case side by side with the elliptic case, highlighting the fact that elliptic and parabolic equations are close in spirit in certain aspects. Moreover, it covers some parts of the regularity theory for these problems. Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with a basic understanding of probability and partial differential equations will find this book useful.
Drawing upon a range of perspectives from textual and cultural studies, this book synthesizes textual, contextual and audience analysis into an overall picture of meaning making. Using examples ranging from Balzac to blonde jokes, modernist poetry to pop lyrics, the book discusses the factors that contribute to the fomation of meaning: language, media, texts, contexts and readers.
In the cultural study of texts - texts, contexts and practices - are equally important, the author argues. Meaning making takes place in the articulation between these different elements. But how can one examine all three areas at the same time? In The Cultural Analysis of Texts, Mikko Lehtonen develops a model to enable just such an approach. -
The CLES-Scale: An Evaluation Tool for Healthcare Education
Mikko Saarikoski, Camilla Strandell-Laine
- Springer
- 20 Novembre 2017
- 9783319636498
This contributed book is the first to focus on the Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision (CLES) framework. The origin instrument version of the CLES-scale has been published in Finland in 2002, and has generated wide European and International interest. The CLES network has pursued Europe-wide research. This book brings a unique perspective of students' clinical practicum in healthcare education and discusses how the national quality system can be used in the continual development of student supervisory systems. The book first presents the theoretical and practical principles of clinical learning, then defines the challenges of clinical learning for mentorship, clinical staff and nurse teachers. This volume also offers examples of the benefits and future perspectives of the CLES framework in healthcare education. It is aimed at researchers and clinical professionals who contribute to students' clinical learning at universities and healthcare organisations. Itis especially suitable as a learning tool for clinical staff mentorship training courses and master's level healthcare education studies.