100 photos de David Bailey pour la liberté de la presse
David Bailey
- Reporters Sans Frontieres
- 1 Juillet 2021
- 9782362200816
Photographe mondial, envié, copié, qui a inspiré Antonioni dans Blow-Up, David Bailey a décontracté un monde de la mode empesé en imposant son style direct.
Cet album reviendra sur les 60 ans de carrière d'une icône qui a fait exploser tous les carcans.
In January 1962, still in his early twenties, David Bailey fulfilled a dream that dated back to his years in Singapore, serving in the Royal Air Force. Heading to the USA, home of the jazz musicians that had inspired him and the source of his original ambition to be a trumpet-player, Bailey was on his first foreign trip for Vogue, together with his model and girlfriend, Jean Shrimpton. The impact of the early Bailey/Shrimpton collaborations set new standards that helped put Britain back on the world map of popular culture. And the attack on the generational chasm Bailey spearheaded is underlined by the warning he was given that, as a representative ofVogue, he was not to wear his leather jacket in the St Regis Hotel. (Of course he ignored the advice).
David bailey sillages de beaute
David Bailey
- La Martiniere
- Photo Theme
- 18 Octobre 2001
- 9782732427812