L'attrape-coeur ; the catcher in the rye
Jerome david Salinger
- Robert Laffont
- Pavillons Poche
- 16 Août 2018
- 9782221218211
L'édition bilingue du roman mythique de J. D. Salinger, un chef-d'oeuvre universellement acclamé.
Issu d'une famille aisée à New York, Holden Caulfield intègre le pensionnat Pencey Prep en Pennsylvanie. Renvoyé après avoir échoué dans quatre matières, il entreprend alors une aventure de délinquance innocente. Entre taxis, boîtes de jazz et rencontres au sein du New York transi de froid de l'époque McCarthy, Holden va tenter de trouver sa place.
Une histoire captivante qui dresse un portrait incontournable de l'Amérique de l'après-guerre au travers de l'un des personnages les plus aimés de la littérature.
Après soixante ans, L'Attrape-coeurs, premier et unique roman de J. D. Salinger conserve toute sa puissance. Objet de réflexions sur la souffrance de l'adolescence et la transition de l'enfance à l'âge adulte, le livre reste un classique incontournable pour les jeunes de tous âges. -
In an effort to escape the hypocrisies of life at his boarding school, sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield seeks refuge in New York City
A funny, poignant snapshot of young adulthood from the much-loved author of The Catcher in the Rye Franny Glass and Lane Coutell are the ideal campus couple: beautiful, intelligent, their whole lives ahead of them. But one weekend amid the excitement of the big Yale game, something goes wrong and tensions begin to surface. Are they really such a perfect match after all? Zooey is Franny's older brother. They come from a sophisticated yet highly eccentric family, all seven siblings former child stars, all strange and enchanting and damaged in their own way. And when Franny's anxiety spirals into a more serious breakdown, Zooey is the only one who might be able to save her. A novel in two halves, Franny and Zooey brilliantly captures the emotional strains and traumas of entering adulthood. It is a gleaming example of the wit, precision and poignancy that have made J.D. Salinger one of the most beloved American novelists of the twentieth century.
"DeDaumier-Smith's Blue Period," "Teddy," and "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" are among the nine works in a collection of Salinger's perceptive and realistic short stories