Aus Paris nach Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945 ; gesammelte Erinnerungen eines deportierten Kindes
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 29 Avril 2009
- 9782304025064
Jacques Saurel, Jahrgang 1933, hätte ohne weiteres das gleiche Schicksal erleiden können wie zahlreiche Kinder von Eltern, die in der Zwischenkriegszeit aus Polen nach Frankreich ausgewandert waren: Auschwitz und die Gaskammer. Seinem Vater verdankt er es, zunächst nicht behelligt worden zu sein: Dieser hatte sich freiwillig zum Militärdienst verpflichtet, war in Kriegsgefangenschaft geraten und deswegen - wie auch seine Familie - durch die Genfer Konvention geschützt. So wurden Jacques, seine ältere Schwester (die jüngste war versteckt) und sein kleiner Bruder drei Monate lang in Drancy interniert und dann mit ihrer Mutter in das "Sternlager" von Bergen-Belsen deportiert.
Da Parigi a Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945 ; ricordi di un bambino deportato
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 8 Octobre 2012
- 9782304041187
Jacques Saurel, nato nel 1933, avrebbe potuto subire il destino riservato a numerosi bambini, figli di genitori ebrei emigrati dalla Polonia tra le due guerre: Auschwitz e la camera a gas. È grazie a suo padre se in un primo momento riesce a sfuggire alla deportazione: arruolato volontario, poi prigioniero di guerra, questi è protetto, così come la sua famiglia, dalla Convenzione di Ginevra. Ma i nazisti cercano degli ostaggi da deportare. Così, nei primi giorni del febbraio 1944, Jacques, la sorella maggiore (la minore è stata nascosta) e il fratellino sono internati per tre mesi a Drancy, per essere poi deportati nel «campo della stella» di Bergen-Belsen con la loro mamma.
Da quel momento è grazie a lei che riescono a sopravvivere. Pur beneficiando di condizioni «privilegiate» poiché i nazisti vogliono servirsi di loro come di «merce di scambio», questi bambini non avrebbero mai potuto resistere senza il sostegno morale e i sacrifici della loro mamma; tanto più che le condizioni di vita, già molto difficili, si deteriorano a partire dall´autunno 1944, man mano che arrivano i sopravvissuti delle evacuazioni dell´Europa dell´ est. Il campo di Bergen-Belsen, la cui organizzazione si sgretola, diventa allora un vero e proprio cimitero dove regnano fame ed epidemie.
Dismiss the black butterflies ; the story of a nazi death camps survivor
Lichtsztejn-montard Sarah
- Le Manuscrit
- 20 Avril 2015
- 9782304045024
For over 25 years, Sarah Lichtsztejn-Montard has tirelessly recounted what she endured during the Second World War, especially to young people. How she and her mother escaped from the Vél' d'Hiv' on the first night after the round-up on July 16th, 1942, and how they were reported in May 1944, thrusting them into the maelstrom of Nazi torment: Drancy, the hell of Auschwitz-Birkenau and, finally, Bergen-Belsen, where they were liberated on April 15th, 1945. Sarah has put her experiences down on paper for those she cares about most, interspersing the account of her life as a wife and mother deeply marked by the Holocaust with the story of her shattered adolescence. This powerful book delivers a universal message of hope and courage.
In this book, Odette Spingarn gives us a first-hand account of the various camps of the «final solution» she passed through after being arrested with her parents in a village in Corrèze, France on 31 March 1944: the Périgueux barracks, Drancy transit camp, Auschwitz II-Birkenau extermination camp - where her mother died - one of its sub-camps, Kanada, where she sorted murdered deportees' clothing and, finally, the Zschopau campfactory in Saxony, Germany, to which she was moved in early October 1944.
As the Allies approached in April 1945, she and her fellow slave laborers, all of them women, were packed into boxcars bound for a death camp. Odette took her fate into her hands and jumped out of the train, embarking on a long odyssey that she describes in detail. In the end, a German woman saved her life.
Back in France, Odette's youth and unshakeable optimism enabled her to build a new life, study, have a career and start a family.
"Wake up, Europe! is an alarm call, but it is also a book full of hope.
The indifference and the setbacks from Europe's common future are both unacceptable and dangerous. Philippe Herzog appeals to all strands of society to help save the Union from party rivalry and national conflicts. He asks us to speak out and campaign for the regeneration of Europe's project, for there is no time to lose!
On the eve of the European elections, the stakes of which are high, Philippe Herzog presents, for public debate, a powerful and cohesive plan of action to rebuild the Union and restore the economy. It is the fruit of twenty years of hard individual and collaborative work at Confrontations Europe, and of his political experience within the European institutions."
Who are the World Citizens ? Numerous great men of the xxth century have advocated the institution of world sovereignty. From Winston Churchill, to Mahatma Gandhi, from Léon Blum to Nobel Prize winner Willy Brandt, all have spoken in favour of the recognition of world citizenship. The impact of Solidarnosc in Poland, the mass movements across Europe which brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening in the Iron Curtain are the visible signs of the peoples' aspirations toward a common identity. NGOs such as WWF, Amnesty International or MSF (Doctors without Borders) shed new light upon this aspect of solidarity across the planet. Drawing the conclusion from five thousand years of world History, The Amazing Power of World Citizens pleads for the setting up of international political institutions as the only answer to the need for a harmonious social and economic development of nations.
Sites de résistance ; stratégies textuelles ; sites of resistance ; textual tactics
Madhu Benoit, Susanne Berthier-foglar, Linda Carter
- Le Manuscrit
- 20 Juin 2006
- 9782748174748
Cet ouvrage rassemble les articles faisant suite au colloque « Sites de résistance - Stratégies textuelles » organisé à l'Université Stendhal à Grenoble les 23 et 24 juin 2005, sous l'égide du CEMRA, Centre d'Étude sur les Modes de la Représentation Anglophone (équipe d'accueil 3016). Ce colloque, basé sur le pouvoir du « contre-discours » s'appuie sur les travaux de Michel Foucault et analyse les discours de résistance qui se sont construits face au discours dominant. La problématique que développent les articles de cet ouvrage se répartit entre quatre « sites de résistance » : l'ethnicité, principalement celle des Amérindiens, le post-colonialisme, le corps féminin et la marge.
Elisabeth Kasza was a nomad in more ways than one. During the war she was deported and sent from one concentration camp to another, then went into exile afterwards. After becoming an actress, she travelled within herself, from character to character. Elisabeth was born in Kaposvár, in southwestern Hungary, into a family of Jewish origin that had converted to Protestantism. Under the Nazi yoke, as Jews she and her parents were confined in a ghetto and later deported. Elisabeth voluntarily shared with them the fate of the 440,000 Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau between mid-May and early July 1944. Like most of the deportees, her father was murdered as soon as he arrived. Then Elisabeth was cruelly separated from her mother and transferred to the camps of Bergen-Belsen, Duderstadt and Terezin. After the Liberation, Elisabeth went to Budapest, where she was treated for myocarditis brought on by malnutrition in the camps. Fleeing the communist dictatorship, she wanted to settle in the United States but stayed in France, where she became a stage and screen actress.
Her story is the account of a sensitive, cultivated woman whose happy youth was swept away by torment and horror.
Simone Veil has spoken on very different stages and subjects, and before extremely diverse audiences. The speeches collected here represent only a fraction of her public dialogues: those given over the last six years in her capacity as president of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.Having written those last words, I must immediately correct myself: when our president discusses the Shoah, she is firstly and always Madame Veil, the Auschwitz survivor, matured and enriched by her French and international political experience, who speaks from the heart about her own memory and her own thoughts.Alone, the typed pages of these speeches doubtless lack her gaze, her gravitas, and the singular tone of her stories, which always pierce her listeners.
From Paris to Bergen-Belsen : memories of a deported child
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 27 Août 2010
- 9782304034424
Born in 1933, Jacques Saurel might well have known the fate of so many children of Jewish parents who emigrated from Poland between the wars: Auschwitz and the gas chamber.
He owed it to his father that he initially had no problems with the authorities. As a volunteer for military service and then a prisoner of war, his father protected Jacques and his family under the Geneva Convention. But the Nazis were looking for hostages to deport. Thus, in early February 1944, Jacques, his older sister (the younger one was in hiding) and his little brother were detained with their mother for three months in the Drancy internment camp, before being deported to the "Star Camp", Bergen-Belsen.
It was in turn to their mother that the children owed their survival. If they enjoyed "privileged" conditions because the Nazis wanted to use her as a bargaining chip, these children would never have survived without the moral support and sacrifices of their mother. All the more so because living conditions, already harsh, worsened from the autumn of 1944 with the influx of survivors evacuated from the camps further east. With its organization falling apart, Bergen-Belsen became a veritable death camp riddled with famine and epidemic disease.
Jacques and his family regained their freedom after experiencing in April 1945 the agonies of the refugee "Ghost Train" on which half the 2,000 Jews evacuated from the Star Camp lost their lives. Jacques and his sister were stricken with typhus. They were reunited with their father at Paris´s repatriation centre in the Hotel Lutetia on June 23, 1945.
Although they survived, the same could not be said for other members of the family: no trace of those living in Poland; in France, Jacques lost his paternal grandparents, three uncles, two aunts and six cousins.
From this confrontation with horror at such a young age, escaping he still does not know how, Jacques conceived one great passion: life itself.
Essay on the Perceptions and Values of the Chinese This book is the result of a study carried out in Guangzhou (Canton), financed by the European Union and focusing on the perceptions that the Chinese have of Europe and Europeans.
The perceptions tell us nothing or little about the social reality and the real behaviour of others.. They are above all an implicit confrontation with the values of those who pronounce them. They act as a projection. Here, they express the framework of thought and implicit values of the Chinese, at the same time as they give a true idea of what the Chinese think of Europeans.
It is the role of the social sciences to deconstruct these perceptions in order to objectivize them, that is to say put into perspective their link with the reality described. This done, it is possible to create a certain distance in relation to what is expressed, a certain relativism, the existence of which is necessary in an intercultural perspective.
La expansión atlántica europea provocó en el espacio conocido ahora como el Perú una fractura histórica radical. Se alteraron significativamente los modos de organización política, social, económica, epistemológica y espiritual que sus comunidades habían elaborado a lo largo de milenios. A esto se suma la experiencia de desarraigo de miles de seres esclavizados procedentes de territorios africanos. De esta realidad, que marca aun el Perú actual, dan cuenta los estudios que reúne el presente volumen, al mismo tiempo que contribuyen a resaltar, al lado de la persistencia de modelos tradicionales e importados, la complejidad de las interacciones que se plasmaron en el proceso de adaptación al, o rechazo del, nuevo orden, así como en la emergencia de sociedades y culturas híbridas.
Antisémitisme : la haine générique
Shimon Samuels, Esther Webman
- Le Manuscrit
- 6 Février 2017
- 9782304046083
Cet ouvrage est dédié à la mémoire de cet homme qui incarnait la conscience de la Shoah. Y sont rassemblés des hommages personnels consacrés à Simon Wiesenthal et des essais provenant d'un large panel d'auteurs, traitant de l'antisémitisme et d'autres formes d'intolérance, de racisme et de xénophobie. Partant de l'idée que l'antisémitisme est en soi le paradigme des haines collectives et individuelles, sont examinées à travers ces lignes certaines des raisons qui lui ont permis de prospérer à travers les âges pour être toujours présent à notre époque, malgré la condamnation presque universelle de la Shoah. Certains des auteurs ayant participé à ce projet le voient tel un virus, toujours prêt à prendre son essor, à se répandre partout où l'on refuse la différence du judaïsme. D'autres mettent en avant le fait que les mythes antisémites ne prennent pas vie dans la réalité mais dans la calomnie, dans la création d'un être imaginaire à qui l'on peut attribuer tous les vices et toutes les perversions. S'il faut les accuser des pires abominations, les Juifs ou les Tziganes, les Kurdes, les Arméniens ou encore les Tutsis, tous ont le profil idéal.
UK and France: Friends or Foes? (Trans) cultural and legal unions and disunions
Géraldine Gadbin-George, Elizabeth Gibson-Morgan
- Le Manuscrit
- Auctoritas
- 25 Juillet 2019
- 9782304047806
At a time of major changes in the United Kingdom and to a lesser extent in France, induced by the proposed Brexit process, this collective work - composed of thirteen chapters from highly experienced academics and specialist professionals from both sides of the Channel - examines their consequences on the French and British relationship in a range of institutional, political, legal, economic, cultural but also strategic and defence-related fields with an emphasis on comparative and/or European points of view.
Intercultural communication between chinese and french
Lihua Zheng
- Le Manuscrit
- Savoirs
- 21 Octobre 2019
- 9782304047486
When two people from different cultures meet, they both act in accordance with what is self-evident, that is to say natural, to them, The only problem is that the what is self-evident to some may not coincide with what is self-evident to others. Also, as people have a tendency to consider their way as going without saying or as universal, when others do not act in the same way as they do and there is conflict, they get easily annoyed. As a French businessman in China once cried out « The Chinese ask me if I eat snake. I say to them: 'I do not eat snake, but swallow insults every day' ». In fact, in intercultural contacts, when people seem strange to others, often, it is perhaps not that they are strange, but because others judge their behaviour with their own cultural criteria. Every culture has its own behavioural logic. However, the logic of some does not correspond to that of others. Individuals often have the same objectives, but to reach them, they take different cultural paths.
La représentation et la réinvention des espaces de sociabilité au cours du long XVIIIe siècle Tome 7
Annick Cossic-pericarpin, Emrys d. Jones
- Le Manuscrit
- 15 Mars 2021
- 9782304048971
Ce volume de Transversales constitue le septième volet des travaux de spécialistes des études sur le dix-huitième siècle français et britannique. Ces chercheurs tentent de redéfinir les modes opératoires de la sociabilité pour chacune des deux nations, à partir de sources célèbres ou méconnues, et s'interrogent sur la réalité de la supériorité du modèle français de sociabilité. Le présent volume s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la représentation et à la réinvention des espaces de sociabilité à partir de sources diverses, correspondance, oeuvres littéraires, archives de sociétés, essais philosophiques, films. Il met en évidence les dimensions urbanistiques et transgressives de l'espace, sa dualité, en étant à la fois imaginaire et physique et s'interroge sur le rôle de l'être humain, acteur et spectateur. La représentation des espaces de sociabilité, telle qu'elle est abordée dans cet ouvrage, pose la question de l'autorité et de la négociation opérée par l'individu entre liberté et appartenance à un groupe socio-culturel lui-même indissociable d' une nation en devenir.
This volume is the seventh in the Transversales series published by a group of researchers of different nationalities on the topic of sociability in France and Britain during the Enlightenment. The research focuses on the extent to which a new model of sociability emerged in these nations during this period, and the similarities and differences between the ways this model developed on each side of the Channel. The present volume examines the representation and reinvention of sociable spaces through an excavation of various sources, letters, literary works, archives of societies, philosophical essays, films. It highlights the urbanistic and transgressive aspects of space, its duality, as it is at once physical and imaginary, and it questions the role of human beings, both as actors and spectators. The representation of sociable spaces, as it is dealt with in this work, raises the issue of authority and of the negotiation enacted by the individual between freedom and the membership of a socio-cultural group that is inseparable from a nation in the making. -
Identidades artisticas e dimensões da écfrase : construção da personagem-artista em quatro obras de expressão francesa
Cristina Mendonça
- Le Manuscrit
- 29 Décembre 2021
- 9782304052572
Ce livre est la publication de la dissertation de Master de Cristina Mendonça, et découle du 1er prix Jeunes Chercheurs en Études Françaises et Francophones au Portugal décerné par l'Association Portugaise d'Études Française (APEF) à l'issue de la Journée tenue en février 2021. À travers une analyse comparée de trois romans contemporains - Les Sept Noms du peintre, de Philippe Le Guillou, Terrasse à Rome, de Pascal Quignard et et Lorsque J'étais une oeuvre d'art d'Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt - et deux contes de Marguerite Yourcenar - Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé et La tristesse de Cornélius Berg des Nouvelles Orientales - la figure de l'auteur émerge dans toute la complexité de sa persona fictionnelle. Les processus de construction artistique sont examinés au moyen de la notion d'ekphrasis, réactualisée et exploitée comme véritable outil critique.
Vichy, czerwiec 1944 roku. Francuz i zyd Alex Mayer jest aresztowany przez Gestapo, a nastepnie, 31 lipca 1944 roku, deportowany w ostatnim wielkim transporcie do Auschwitz. Od chwili wyzwolenia obozu calkowicie poswieca sie pisaniu. W pierwszej kolejnosci dla siebie, zeby zrozumiec, zeby nie zapomniec, ale takze dla tych, których juz nie ma i którzy nie moga pozostawic swojego swiadectwa.
Wobec braku papieru zaczyna spisywac dziennik na formularzach administracji obozu. Podejmuje wysilek fizyczny i psychiczny, by opisac odwage i okrucienstwo, szalenstwo, drobne czyny, które niosa ocalenie albo potepienie.
Odnotowuje wydarzenia, odtwarza przebieg podrózy do piekla, od aresztowania po sam koniec (choc wzgledny) koszmaru.
Jego swiadectwo, opublikowane po francusku w 2004 roku i przelozone na hebrajski w 2009 roku, teraz trafia do polskich odbiorców.
The wolves : testemony of a deportee, prisoner no. 126026
Eugène Klein
- Le Manuscrit
- 31 Mai 2022
- 9782304049756
Eugène Klein led an extraordinary life, whose many facets he weaves together in this rich and unique account. Eugène grew up destitute in Hungary. He enlisted in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I and served in several theaters, including the Carpathian Front, where living conditions were harsh. He found happiness in France during the interwar period. He ran footraces, and his athletic talent allowed him to settle in France and start a family there. As a Jew, Eugène and his family faced persecution by the Nazis: They were arrested in Paris on May 1, 1943 and deported to Auschwitz II-Birkenau in Poland. After surviving forced labor and a «death march», Eugène would be reunited with his wife, but his son would never return.
This dignified account highlights the intelligence and integrity of a man who was both physically and mentally exceptional. With the maturity of age, Eugène combines sincerity with restraint to deliver an account devoid of useless moralizing. Through a series of flashbacks, he demonstrates how his survival in the Nazi camps was certainly due to luck, but also to his prior life experiences, since he had already come face-to-face with humiliation, bitter cold, hunger and mass death, inhumane conditions... and wolves.